Your complexion is the natural colour, texture, and appearance of your skin. Medical issues, lifestyle habits, and the environment all have effects on your complexion.

Experiencing changes or problems with your complexion can cause visible symptoms such as redness or looking drained of energy, pain, infection, and emotional problems like loss of confidence and low self-esteem.

Fortunately, at INIYA Clinic we offer lots of treatments to help clear and brighten the complexion, as well as medical-grade skincare to help maintain the desired effect between treatments. 

Book a consultation  where one of our medical practitioners will assess you in person, discuss your concerns, and advise on the most appropriate treatment for your needs.

Dull Skin

Dull skin can occur as a result of ageing, dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, inappropriate skincare, and under-exfoliation. 

Dull skin can make you look tired, old, or even unwell – which in turn can make you feel self-conscious about your image and knock your confidence. 

Treatment options focus on exfoliation to reveal younger skin cells, plus the use of active ingredients to help brighten the skin. Click a treatment to read all about it!



Redness in your complexion can be caused by many factors including dryness, irritation, and some medical conditions. 

Dryness and irritation are usually quite easy to treat once you find the cause of the problem, eliminate it, then combine a therapeutic skin-care regime with non-surgical treatments. 

Rosacea, however, is a long-term medical skin condition that mostly affects the skin on the face – causing blushing and visible blood vessels across the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin, sometimes also causing pus-filled bumps. Flare-ups can last from days to months and can cause emotional distress and low confidence. 

Often a combined skincare and lifestyle approach is needed to treat rosacea, but our medical doctors will discuss your options at consultation based on your individual needs. 

If you are looking to correct redness in your complexion, we have a treatment option for you. Click any of the links below to read more about them. 



Acne is a common skin condition that causes outbreaks of pimples when the hair follicles become blocked by sebum (the skin’s natural oil). Acne mostly occurs on the face, back, and chest. 

Although sometimes considered a teenage problem, acne can also affect adults – with some statistics stating up to 15% of women continue to experience acne into their 40s. Adult Acne Versus Adolescent Acne – PMC (

As well as causing physical symptoms, acne can also cause psychological distress leading to issues like social anxiety, isolation, and even depression. 

Treatment options focus on deep cleansing to clear and prevent blocked hair follicles, as well as the addition of skincare ingredients that help reduce the skin’s natural sebum production. Find out more about our skin treatments and medical-grade skincare below. 


Acne Scarring

Many acne sufferers are left with scars where their spots have damaged tissues deep within the skin. Depending on the type of scar left, they can be difficult to disguise. 

The skin can scar in different ways, including creating deep, narrow holes in the skin, round or oval scars similar to chicken pox scars, or uneven or raised scars caused by the destruction of collagen or even excessive production of collagen during the healing process. 

Treatment options for acne scarring will depend on what kind of scar has developed and are detailed on the links below. 

Treatment options for your individual needs will be discussed with you fully during your initial consultation. 

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