Hair (or lack of it) can be a huge factor in our self-esteem. Feeling embarrassed about thinning head hair or excessive facial or body hair can lead to feelings of low mood and insecurity. 

At INIYA Clinic, we offer clinically proven, effective, and safe treatments for both hair loss and hair removal to help you feel more confident. 

Find the links below or book a consultation with one of our doctors or skin and laser therapists.

Hair Loss (Alopecia)

Alopecia is the partial or complete absence of hair from areas of the body where it normally grows. Both men and women can suffer from alopecia, and there are a variety of different types and causes, such as genetics and autoimmune disorders, side effects from cancer treatment, environmental factors such as stress, and certain psychological conditions like trichotillomania (hair pulling) and eating disorders.

Treatment for hair loss depends on the underlying cause and includes medications, hair restoration, and in some cases surgery. A full consultation will be done at INIYA Clinic by a medical professional to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

Hair Removal

Unwanted hair on the face or body can cause low self-esteem and embarrassment for both men and women. 

Excessive hair growth (hirsutism) is often linked to hormones called androgens (which are naturally made by both genders but women normally produce significantly less). Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of excessive hair growth in females – a common feature of which is excess androgens. Genetics, other hormonal conditions, and some medications can also cause hirsutism. 

If you’re looking for a long-term solution to removing unwanted hair, laser hair removal is a safe, semi-permanent treatment that targets the hair follicle, disrupting hair growth for longer-lasting results. 

For more information about laser hair removal and our treatment packages click the link. 

Treatment: Laser hair removal

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