Our facial structure is made up of bone, muscle, fat, and skin, and the way it develops is mostly genetic. But facial structure can be altered by other factors such as injury, illness, ageing and lifestyle habits, and weight gain or weight loss. 

If you’re unhappy with any aspect of your facial structure, book a consultation (link to booking) with one of our medical practitioners who will assess you, listen to your concerns, and discuss the best non-surgical options to give your face more definition, symmetry, and vitality. 

Listed below are some common issues with facial structure and links to treatments.

Facial Asymmetry

Facial asymmetry means your features are not an exact mirror image match on each side of the face. Minor facial asymmetry is very common, and may not even be noticeable to yourself or others. 

However, more noticeable differences or changes in your features (that have occurred as a result of illness, injury, or other external factors) can cause much distress and anxiety. 


Volume Loss

Subcutaneous fat gives volume and a plump appearance to the face and skin. As you age, or if you lose weight, subcutaneous fat in the face decreases, causing the skin to appear sunken into the hollows of the face around the cheeks and temples, wrinkling around the mouth and lips, and sagging skin around the jawline, giving an aged look to the face.

There are a few different treatment options available to replace lost volume and treat the symptoms of volume loss in the face, so click the buttons below to find out more about them. 

At consultation, your doctor will advise on the best treatment for your needs.


Nose Shape or Side Profile

If you’re unhappy with the shape of your nose or your side profile, chances are that this “problem” affects you daily. It’s often the first thing you will notice about your reflection in the mirror, and you’re likely conscious of it when interacting with other people (even though they might not notice or care about any perceived imperfections). 

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