Do your old tattoos cause you embarrassment or no longer fit in with who you are today? If so, we can remove them safely and, in most cases, completely using clinical-grade laser therapy. 

During treatment, energy from the laser causes the pigment in the tattoo to break down so it can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream and excreted. A course of treatments will be needed to remove the tattoo, and depending on the size, detail, and colour of the tattoo, some residual marks may still be visible. 

Some discomfort might be experienced during laser-assisted tattoo removal, so depending on personal preference and the size or location of the tattoo. A numbing cream may be applied to help ease discomfort during the procedure. 

Some common contraindications include pregnancy, certain medical conditions/medications, recent sun exposure, active infection, open wounds, and keloid scars. This is not a full list, and your suitability for treatment will be assessed during your consultation. 

Book a consultation for more information and advice.


For best outcomes: 3-6 sessions

Procedure time: 10-30 minutes

Results visible: Will fade gradually throughout treatment

Duration of results: Several years to permanent

Back to work: Immediately

Downtime: 0-5 days

Anaesthetic: Numbing cream on the patient’s request

Your specialist: Doctor or Skin and Laser Therapist

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